We invite you to know all the necessary information regarding the electronic transactions that are carried out on this website.

LIMSA CORPO, S.L. It is committed to the transparency and clarity in commercial transactions carried out on this website, guaranteeing a space committed to the rights of users and customers, which is why we recommend that before contracting any of the products that we make available to you on this website, you read these conditions and the terms that apply to the provision of services offered by LIMSATISU that are part of its main activity of selling products for industrial and professional hygiene (tissue paper and accessories).

These contracting conditions are the relationship between LIMSA CORPO, S.L. and the customers of the LIMSATISU site.

LIMSA CORPO, S.L. reserves the right to modify or change the present conditions at any time. If the modifications constitute a substantial change in the terms, LIMSA CORPO, S.L. will notify you by posting an announcement on our website.

The services and/or products are available only to legal persons and persons who are 16 years older.

This website meets the following conditions:

  • Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE)
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data; and
  • Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.


By virtue of the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we offer you the following information:

Company name: LIMSA CORPO, S.L.

CIF/NIF: B58477886


Registered office: Polígono Industrial Can Cavaller, naves 1-2-3,08262 Callús (Barcelona).

His social activity is: Manipulation of tissue paper.

Website purpose: To publish the products that LIMSATISU manufacturers worldwide with the aim of attracting more customers both to buy in the online store or directly from the factory.

Mercantile Registry: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, in volume 45427, page 146, page B 8627, entry 16, dated February 9, 2017.


As a condition for placing any order, the customer must contact LIMSA CORPO, S.L. and provide the corresponding information required for the acquisition of the products available on this website. The order information that you provide must be accurate, complete and current at all times. Failure to do so shall constitutes a violation of the terms, which may result in the dissolution of the contract with LIMSA CORPO, S.L.

At the moment of acceptance, the customer acquires the status of LIMSATISU Customer.

Orders must be made following the steps that LIMSATISU will indicate where you can choose the product and the quantity of what you want to buy.


Once the purchase and payment have been made, LIMSATISU will send you an order confirmation by email.

It is time to check that everything is correct. If you are not agree with the information contained in the email confirmation, you can request their modification or the cancellation of the order.

The validation of the order by the customer expressly assumes the knowledge and acceptance of these particular contracting conditions as part of the conclusion of the contract. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by LIMSATISU are the proof of the set of transactions carried out between LIMSATISU and its customers.

In case of needing any modification or cancellation, the communication must be made within 24 hours from the confirmation of the order, via email: and provided that the order has not been sent.


The customer agrees to pay for the products contracted to LIMSATISU in the method of payment accepted by LIMSATISU and for any additional amount (including taxes and charges for late payments, according to the case).

The prices applicable to each product are those indicated on the website on the date of the order including, according to the case, all of them VAT (Value Added Tax) for transactions within Spanish territory. However, according to the provisions of the Law 37/1992, of December 28, regulating that tax, the operation may be exempt or not subject to it depending on the buyer’s country of residence and the condition in which he acts (entrepreneur/professional or individual). Consequently, in some cases the final price of the order may be changed with respect to the figure displayed on the website.

When making the payment, LIMSATISU will redirect to the LIMSATISU payment gateway.

LIMSA CORPO, S.L. accept these methods of payment:

  1. By credit or debit card

We accept Visa and MasterCard cards. We do not accept AMERICAN EXPRESS.

You can make the payment immediately through our Bank’s secure SSL payment gateway. If it is necessary to make any return or cancellation of the order, the amount will be refunded through the same payment card. Both personal and bank data will be protected with all the security measures established by Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD) with total confidentiality.

  1. PayPal

Through PayPal, the payment of the order will be authorized, but no money will be withdrawn until PayPal verifies that it is correct. For this, it will be necessary to have a PayPal account.

  1. Bank transfer

Bank transfer to the following account number and indicating the order number in the subject:

BBVA: ES87 0182 9732 1702 0013 3859

Payment is always in advance of 100% of the order and the products are sent when we confirm the payment.

The receipt must be sent to:


The products offered on the web, and their prices, will be available for purchase while they are in the catalogue of products displayed through the web page. Customers are requested to access updated versions of the website to avoid pricing errors. In any case, orders in process will maintain their conditions for 7 days from the moment they are formalized.


The shipping modality will be land transport by road under the following conditions:


2 8,82 6,08 7,60 8,03 14,92
5 6,13 6,34 7,94 8,30 14,92
10 6,30 6,53 8,16 8,59 14,92
15 8,24 9,02 12,27 15,59 20,44
20 10,19 11,51 16,38 16,50 25,96
KG AD 0,39 0,50 0,82 0,80 1,10
250kg/m³ SERVICE 10 HOURS
2 9,02 9,79 12,17
5 9,34 10,17 12,65
10 9,54 10,40 12,92
KG AD 0,69 0,76 0,99
2 4,52 4,97 5,45 6,77
5 4,97 5,52 6,23 7,34
10 5,95 6,28 7,75 8,00
15 7,03 8,33 10,67 10,93
20 8,11 10,38 13,58 12,84
KG AD 0,28 0,41 0,59 0,59
250kg/m³ SERVICE 14 HOURS
2 7,15 7,48 9,35
5 7,54 7,81 9,76
10 7,74 8,04 10,02
KG AD 0,48 0,62 1,00


PICK UP: Pick up outside the collection point will be carried out with service 24h + supplement of €3.10 + €0.15/kg.

SHIPPING SERVICE 10H: 10 AM shipments, which are not km 0, will have a supplement of €0.66 per km round trip from the destination delegation.


1 15,14 20,80
KG AD 6,47 8,27
5 10,65 15,14
10 13,59 18,09
KG AD 0,96 1,27


Shipping zones:

  • Shipments are only made to Spain (Peninsula) and the Balearic Islands.
  • No shipments are made to the CANARY ISLANDS, CEUTA AND MELILLA.

Delivery terms:

If the product is in stock, the order will be sent immediately to the delivery address indicated by the customer and delivered within a maximum period of 1 week from the moment the order is processed.

In general, unless there are holidays, we follow this rule to assign you a delivery date that will be the closest we can offer:

The delivery of the merchandise will be made at the address designated by the sender, except in the absence of the addressee or due to its weight, volume or nature of the property, a normal person will not be allowed to do so, in which case and with prior notice, it will be at the street door or at the same destination agency. In case of absence of the addressee, a notice of delivery attempt will be left, as well as the way to agree on it. The charge for second deliveries will be 3.24 euros. Failure to the delivery period will not be considered as caused by the absence of the addressee, change of address, unknown address, absence of name, telephone and fax contact at private addresses, non-payment of postage, supplies or refunds, closure for vacations, deliveries outside of term in second delivery attempt, force majeure causes or fortuitous event or others not attributable to LIMSATISU. The signature of the delivery note by the recipient will be a necessary requirement to proceed with the delivery of the merchandise. In the event of the addressee’s refusal to sign the delivery note, the Company will be released from all liability.

The provision of the services will be carried out on working days and from Monday to Friday, except for the delivery service on Saturday. Holidays in the place of destination will be excluded in the temporary calculation of the contracted service. The contractually agreed deadlines for the delivery of the postage, are understood without prejudice to the delays that could be caused by force majeure causes or fortuitous event (temporary, road closures, strikes, procedures or other actions of the Administration and/or customs, goods traveling by air, etc.)

If there were any unforeseen events in the delivery of the order, we would contact you through your email address, which we requested during the registration on the web, to find a solution. Otherwise, we can contact you by phone, if you have provided it, or directly attempt a second delivery to the address provided. In case of not being able to contact or deliver the product on the first or second delivery, the customer will be responsible for contacting the carrier or LIMSATISU via email and will assume the additional costs that successive deliveries could be.

Transport agency

The transport agency is:


Ctra. de Vic, 301-305. 08243 Manresa

TEL. 93 875 76 57

Office opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9a.m. to 1:30p.m. and from 3:30p.m. to 8p.m.

Saturdays from 9a.m. to 11a.m.

Assumptions to take in consideration

  • If one of the terms is modified, LIMSATISU Customer Service will notify you, either by email or phone call, of the approximate delivery time for the total shipment of your order. In the same way, you will be kept informed of any variation that may arise from that.
  • Orders will not be served in post office boxes. We reserve the right to withhold shipping on orders with incorrect addresses. In any case, we will contact you according to the information provided for any incident or doubt that may arise in the processing of your order.


LIMSA CORPO, S.L. is responsible for the lack of conformity of all the products offered on the website during a period of 30 days for single-use products (tissue paper) and two years for accessories. LIMSA CORPO, S.L. has an after-sales service, during the period indicated. The customer may contact the LIMSATISU office in the town of Callús, to the after-sales service and by email at

In case of doubt, you can contact with the customer service telephone number 938202145 or by email at .


According to the provisions of Law 37/1992, of December 28, regulating that tax and the European Directive 2008/8/CE, the operation may be exempt or not subject to it depending on the buyer’s country of residence and the condition in which he acts (entrepreneur/professional or individual). Consequently, in some cases the final price of the order may be changed with respect to the figure displayed on the website.

The price of the products sold by LIMSATISU includes Spanish VAT. However, the final price of your order may vary depending on the VAT rate applied to the order. For orders destined for other countries of the European Union, Spanish VAT will be deducted and the VAT tax rate corresponding to the country of destination will be used. The final price will appear during the confirmation of your order and will reflect the VAT tax rate corresponding to the country of destination of the products.

Note that, on the date of drafting these contracting conditions, LIMSATISU only makes shipments in Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. Shipping costs depend on the volume of the products.

The prices of the Services may change at any time at the sole and exclusive discretion of LIMSATISU. The Services do not provide price protection or refunds in case of price reductions or promotional offers.


Sólo se aceptarán cancelaciones y/o devoluciones en los siguientes términos.

  1.   a) Cancelación

El cliente podrá cancelar su pedido y solicitar el reembolso íntegro del importe si éste aún no ha sido enviado. Para ello, deberá ponerse en contacto con nosotros lo antes posible desde el formulario de contacto o mándanos un email a  y facilitarnos sus datos y número de pedido.

  1.   b) Devolución

Nuestros procesos de fabricación, preparación y embalaje son muy estrictos y garantizamos que son enviados sin defectos. Verifique cuidadosamente que los precintos que cierran su paquete no hayan sido modificados o dañados.

  • No se admitirán devoluciones de productos envasados cuando hayan sido abiertos y/o manipulados, y no conserven los embalajes originales.
  • Deberá indicar en el albarán de entrega el motivo de la devolución en este extremo.

Sólo se aceptarán devoluciones de pedidos con evidencia de haber sido dañados en el transporte y cualquier queja deberá realizarse en el mismo momento de la recepción del pedido.

Si el producto llegara en mal estado, LIMSA CORPO, S.L.  asumirá los gastos de envío incurridos por la devolución, siempre y cuando los productos se encuentren en su embalaje original y no hayan sido consumidos total o parcialmente.

Para gestionar la reclamación, deberá ponerse en contacto con nosotros antes de 24 horas  y enviarnos un email a  indicando su nombre, número de pedido y explicando en detalle lo ocurrido.

  1.   c) Desistimiento

El derecho de desistimiento no se podrá ejercer salvo por error o defecto en el producto.

Cómo devolver productos en los casos aceptados:

Para devolver un producto en los casos previstos y aceptados por esta política de desistimiento, deben seguirse las siguientes instrucciones:

  • No se aceptarán devoluciones a portes debidos.
  • Debe haber notificado a LIMSATISU el deseo de desistir y haber obtenido la autorización correspondiente antes de realizar el envió.
  • Debe descargar y completar el formulario  de desistimiento que aparece a continuación y enviarlo junto al paquete.

Debe introducir el /los productos(s) en un paquete debidamente embalado. La dirección de devolución es: Polígono Industrial Can Cavaller, naves 1-2-3, 08262 Callús (Barcelona).

  • Debe llevar el paquete (con el impreso adjunto de desistimiento) a una Oficina de Correos o a una empresa de mensajería y solicite el comprobante del envío. Deberá conservar el justificante hasta que reciba el reembolso solicitado.

Es responsabilidad del cliente conservar todos los acuses de recibo y remitir el paquete por correo certificado o por cualquier otro medio que permita acreditar su fecha de envío.

En caso de repetidas devoluciones o reclamaciones por mal estado o producto defectuoso por parte de un mismo cliente, LIMSATISU se reserva el derecho de no realizar nuevos envíos al cliente.

Los gastos de devolución serán por cuenta del cliente. Las devoluciones de los importes se realizarán en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días naturales siguientes a la fecha en la que recibamos el/los productos(s) devuelto(s) en la dirección especificada.

LIMSATISU procederá al reembolso en la forma de pago que el cliente haya empleado al realizar el pedido, y dicho reembolso se encontrará sujeto al derecho de LIMSATISU a retener cantidades por los productos devueltos que presenten daños. Le reembolsaremos el importe abonado por el/los productos(s) devuelto(s) menos los gastos de envío (si procede).


Cancellations and/or returns will only be accepted under the following conditions.

  1.   a) Cancellation

The customer may cancel his order and request a full refund of the amount if it has not yet been sent. For this, you must contact us as soon as possible from the contact form or send us an email to and provide us with your information and order number.

  1.   b) Return

Our manufacturing, preparation and packaging processes are very strict and we guarantee that they are shipped without defects. Check carefully that the seals that close your package have not been modified or damaged.

  • Returns of packaged products will not be accepted when they have been opened and/or manipulated, and the original packaging is not preserved.
  • You must indicate on the delivery note the reason for the return.

Returns of orders with evidence of having been damaged during the transport will only be accepted and any complaint must be made at the time of the reception of the order.

If the product arrives in poor condition, LIMSA CORPO, S.L. will assume the shipping costs for the return, as long as the products are in their original packaging and have not been totally or partially consumed.

To manage the claim, you must contact us within 24 hours and send us an email to indicating your name, order number and explaining in detail what happened.

  1.   c) Withdrawal

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised except for an error or defect in the product.

How to return products in accepted cases:

To return a product in the cases provided for and accepted by this withdrawal policy, the following instructions must be followed:

  • No refunds will be accepted by freight collect.
  • You must have notified to LIMSATISU your desire to withdraw and have obtained the corresponding authorization before making the shipment.
  • You must download and complete the withdrawal form below and send it with the package.

You must introduce the product(s) in a properly packed package. The return address is: Polígono Industrial Can Cavaller, naves 1-2-3, 08262 Callús (Barcelona).

  • You must take the package (with the attached withdrawal form) to a Post Office or courier company and request the proof of delivery. You must keep the receipt until you receive the requested refund.

It is the customer’s responsibility to keep all the receipts and send the package by certified mail or by any other ways that allows to prove its date of shipment.

In case of repeated returns or claims for poor condition or defective product by the same customer, LIMSATISU reserves the right not to make new shipments to the customer.

Return costs will be paid by the customer. The returns of the amount will be made within a period of 14 (fourteen) natural days following the date on which we receive the returned product(s) at the specified address.

LIMSATISU will proceed to the refund in the same payment method that the customer has used when placing the order, and the refund will be subject to LIMSATISU’s right to withhold amounts for returned products that show damage. We will refund the amount paid for the returned product(s) less shipping costs (if applicable).


The customer/buyer may notify the claim or withdrawal, either by email to: or by post at the address indicated in the withdrawal form.

Copy and paste this form, fill it out and send it by email or post.

The user/buyer may notify me the claim, either by email to: or by postal mail addressed to: LIMSATISU, Polígono Industrial Can Cavaller, naves 1-2-3, 08262 Callús (Barcelona) If you wish, you can also use the following claim form:

Attn: LIMSATISU Sales Department

Can Cavaller Industrial Estate, naves 1-2-3, 08262 Callús (Barcelona)


– The product:

– Day order:

– Buyer name:

– Buyer address:

– Signature of the buyer (only if presented on paper)

– Date:

– Claim reason:


We inform you that the European Commission has create the first European platform for the resolution of disputes in “online” commerce protected by the latest consumer law. In this sense, as a responsible of an online sales platform, we have the duty to inform our clients about the existence of an online platform for alternative dispute resolutions.

 To use the dispute resolution platform, the customer must use the following link:


We have an after-sales service to solve any problem with our products or shipments through the fastest and most efficient service offered to our customers:

To contact us, to raise any doubt, question or claim you can use any of these following communication methods:

  • Postal address: LIMSATISU, Polígono Industrial Can Cavaller, naves 1-2-3, 08262 Callús (Barcelona).
  • Telephone: 938202145
  • Email:


All the information and documentation used during the contracting, development and execution of the services that regulate the relations between LIMSATISU and the Client are confidential.

All information received by the client, images, emails, texts, access data such as clients and passwords, will be treated confidentially, and transfer to third parties is totally prohibited.

Confidential information shall not be understood as that which is disclosed by agreement between the Parties, that which becomes public for the same reason or that which must be disclosed in accordance with the laws or with a judicial resolution of a competent authority, and that which is obtained by a third party that is not under any obligation of confidentiality. Both parties agree to comply with the duty of confidentiality indefinitely.

More information about privacy: consult our privacy policy. Data protection policy

To obtain complete information about your rights and the data protection policy that we apply to this website and all our services, we recommend visiting the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.


LIMSATISU reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need of a prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation, access conditions, contract conditions, etc. Therefore, the customer must access updated versions of the page.

The user/customer is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of the website and for all activities that are prohibited on the website once delivered by LIMSATISU. The customer undertakes to notify LIMSATISU immediately of any breach of the security of website.

LIMSATISU will not be responsible for any loss derived from the improper or unauthorized use of its website.

Client agrees to hold LIMSATISU unscathed from claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs (including direct, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary and indirect damages), and Reasonable attorneys’ fees resulting from any breach by customer/buyer of these conditions, whether or not considered material or immaterial; the use or misuse of the Services by you or any person acting on your behalf or using your account in LIMSATISU or for any material or immaterial violation of any right, title or interest of third parties.

Our sole responsibility will be supplying the product under the terms and conditions expressed in this contracting policy.

LIMSATISU will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from the improper use of the products supplied.


The language in which the contract between LIMSATISU and the Customer will be applied is Spanish.


LIMSA CORPO, S.L. and THE CUSTOMER, will be governed to settle any dispute that may arise from the access, or use of this Web page, by Spanish legislation, and submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.

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