What does ECOLABEL certification mean?

What is ECOLABEL certification?

The European Ecolabel was created in 1922 by the EU. It is one of the instruments included in the Community Action Plan for Sustainable Production and Consumption and Sustainable Industrial Policy of the EU and is supported by the environmental authorities of the EU and the Member States.

Ecolabel’s main objective is to promote products and services that help reduce negative environmental effects or that do not harm the environment.

This label is a business card for those companies that carry out good environmental practices.

ECOLABEL certification is growing around the world as a tool that helps promote products that reduce adverse environmental effects, compared to other products in the same category that do not. they do, thus contributing to a more efficient use of resources and facilitating more sustainable production around the world, providing differentiation and value proposition for companies. 

In this way, ECOLABEL is the easiest way to express a manufacturer’s environmental work to consumers and is a clear message to consumers that the manufacturer is systematically working to reduce the environmental impact of the product throughout its life cycle.

The ECOLABEL labeling system is a quality system used to detect the presence or absence of certain characteristics. Eco-labels greatly affect consumer purchasing behavior. Consumers are informed about the environmental quality of the products and services they purchase and choose environmentally acceptable products.

If consumers choose products with an eco-label such as ECOLABEL, they have a direct impact on the balance of supply and demand in the market. This is a factor that further drives markets towards environmental awareness.


With the ECOLABEL certification, companies obtain advantages. On the one hand, eco-labelling is the most effective way to inform consumers about the environmental impact of products and the decisions they can make. This system involves people choosing between products that meet environmental objectives (products with ECOLABEL label) and products that are harmful to the environment (products without ECOLABEL label). With this system, consumers are informed, for example, about non-toxic cleaning products or recycled products. This practice also increases consumer awareness of issues such as waste reduction and energy efficiency.

Another benefit of ECOLABEL certification efforts is increasing economic efficiency. Producers and consumers are informed more easily and quickly in terms of environmental conditions and in terms of decision-making compared to legal regulations.

Finally, an advantage of this system is to help monitor. Environmental claims are easier to track thanks to the eco-labeling program.

Why is the ECOLABEL certificate important?

Companies with this certification offer quality products and services to consumers, we are open to continuous improvement, we reduce risks and costs, we gain the trust of consumers, we operate in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and we comply with legal obligations in time, new developments and standards for continuous comparison with competitors and the opportunity to compare.

On the other hand, the objective is to protect against deceptive or fraudulent practices. Trust is a key component of the reliability of a labeling program, and the meaning of the label must be beyond doubt. Labels that are insignificant, worthless and do not provide information cannot be of any importance in reducing environmental impacts. With the ambition to make money, some companies intentionally show their products as environmentally friendly when they are not, and this creates unfair competition and a danger to the environment and the consumer.

In short, the ecological label or ECOLABEL provides differentiation and a value proposition that helps sell more. It assumes that the organization is more competitive. The eco-label is a tool that helps promote products that can reduce adverse environmental effects, compared to other products in the same category, thus contributing to a more efficient use of resources and to a high level of environmental protection. The achievement of this objective is done by providing consumers with accurate, non-misleading and scientifically-based information and guidance on these products.

With all this, at Limsatisu we are proud to be able to present this ECOLABEL certification in all our products and thus give the environmental confidence that our consumers deserve. 

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