Why use tissue paper?

rollos de papel higienico

Tissue paper is a tear-resistant paper and its texture is formed by micro-wrinkles, which gives it a high quality of absorption and softness. Thanks to its excellent absorption capacity, tear resistance and softness, tissue paper has multiple uses: it is used as a facial tissue, kitchen paper, cleaning paper, napkins, handkerchiefs and toilet paper.

Hygiene is an especially important factor in preventing infections. Approximately 80% of diseases are transmitted through hands and/or poor room hygiene.

Tissue paper products play an important role in hygiene, minimizing the spread of infections, since they are disposable, you can be sure that will not transmit any infection.

Protecting people starts with practicing good hygiene, and experts encourage us to improve hygiene standards at home. For example, it is important to ensure that surfaces in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets are washed, disinfected and dried regularly, ideally with single-use paper, as these are areas of the home. where viruses and bacteria can proliferate, and we are encouraged to check door handles, light switches, stair handrails, etc., since these are common places where many people pass and where poor hygiene can cause a cross infection. We should ensure that these areas are regularly disinfected and wiped down with a tissue. Outside the home, there are also several points for cross infections, and good hygiene has been shown to really make a difference. Crowded transportation, crowded bars, and offices are often places where infections are transmitted. Following simple tips, such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water and drying properly with single-use paper towels, can go a long way toward reducing infection from person to person. 

Over the last 3 years we have rethought our hygiene habits, especially with reference to washing and drying hands as well as disinfecting our homes and public spaces. p>

According to the latest edition of the Essity Hygiene and Health Report, washing and drying your hands well eliminates 90% of polluting agents, since hands are the main route of transmission of germs. This happens because we use our hands for everything, with them we not only touch our sheets, the doorknob, a cup of coffee, the cell phone, the computer and countless objects throughout the day, we also touch our face, and so on. easy is how we carry bacteria and germs from one object to another and finally to ourselves.

In addition to considering washing our hands for at least 20 seconds, as indicated by the WHO, the organization recommends using a single-use towel to dry hands; since cloth towels retain moisture that encourages the spread of bacteria. On the other hand, disposable paper towels guarantee proper hand cleaning.

Disposable paper towels can dry hands efficiently because they eliminate bacteria effectively and cause less contamination of the bathroom environment, unlike cloth towels that retain a certain moisture that promotes the conservation of bacteria and germs contaminating other spaces in the bathroom such as the hook where they are hung, the handles or the faucet.

In sectors such as the restaurant industry, we not only look at hand hygiene, but also at comprehensive hygiene. Public health regulations state that businesses must maintain strict cleaning standards in their facilities, from kitchens and food preparation areas to public areas such as dining rooms and, of course, bathrooms. Tissue products offer important hygienic advantages in a food environment. They are perfect for washing and cleaning surfaces; to clean cabinets and floors; and for drying hands after washing, both during food preparation and in bathrooms. Tissue paper is a convenient, hygienic and sustainable solution for absorbing spills, cleaning tables and keeping staff and customers safe. And in bathrooms, toilet paper is an essential item.

And that’s why the scientific community agrees: tissue products can play an important role in helping keep us safe, not just during a pandemic, but every day, both at home and on the go. at home, in leisure spaces or in the workplace.

Con todo ello, la evidencia científica se ha inclinado mayormente por el uso de papel desechable, pues se han hecho diversas investigaciones para descubrir el método más eficiente para el secado de manos y la limpieza de superficies, comparando los secadores de aire eléctricos, toallas y trapos de tela y el papel de un solo uso. Y el resultado es que todos ellos confirman que el uso de papel desechable es el más recomendable, ya sea por:

  • Mejor resultado.
  • Más higiénico, ya que al ser desechable se evita la acumulación de bacterias y hongos.
  • Practicidad ya que muchas veces, en el embrollo de nuestra cocina, en un baño público y hasta en un consultorio médico; es mejor contar con papel para secar cualquier cosa. Si ocurriera un derrame de alguna sustancia muy sucia, o con gérmenes, contar con de papel desechable por ser más seguro y rápido, ya que son muy absorbentes y pueden desecharse sin problemas.
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